What the press says about the Carl Bechstein Foundation
This page provides press releases and articles about the Carl Bechstein Foundation. Thank you for your interest!
Carl Bechstein Foundation hands over 100th piano to primary school
The Carl Bechstein Foundation provides the 100th piano free of charge: The new instrument was officially inaugurated at the Freinet School in Cologne on 19.2.2016.
The Carl Bechstein Foundation has set itself the goal of promoting piano playing. As many interested, curious and talented children and young people as possible are to be given the opportunity to learn to play the piano. After the first 60 instruments were made available primarily in Berlin and the surrounding area, the project has been expanded nationwide since the beginning of 2015. Further primary schools from all over Germany are welcome to apply for a piano.
You can find the complete press release here. (only in german language)
Gregor Willmes
Carl Bechstein Stiftung
Tel. +49 (0) 30 - 2260 559 323
Foundation of the month
In January 2014, the Invitrust organisation selected the Carl Bechstein Foundation as “Foundation of the Month”.