After a forced break due to Corona, piano lessons at the Georg Büchner Elementary School in Joachimsthal in the Uckermark region started again with this school year.
Music teacher Katharina Brunsch wrote to us:
“Every Tuesday and Thursday, 15 young talents now play on the black and white keys of the Hoffmann piano in individual or small group lessons. As in the last school year, the piano lessons are given in cooperation with the Kreismusikschule Uckermark. In the course of the all-day program, the children of the first and second grades receive piano lessons in small groups. The older students get their lessons in the afternoon. From the new first classes alone, five children have joined as students. The concept that piano lessons are particularly well received when they take place on site seems to be working. For the younger students in particular, this is a popular offer that does not require any additional travel for their parents. We owe this opportunity to the Bechstein Foundation, which provides our school with a piano free of charge. In order for all of us to be able to see the progress of these budding pianists, a small recital is planned in the auditorium at the end of the school year. Then everyone can witness the progress of our students. As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said: “Without music everything would be nothing!”
We have nothing more to add to this.