Support the Foundation!

Support the cause of the Carl Bechstein Foundation: your donation enables children and young people to learn the piano.

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Donations account

Account name: Carl Bechstein Stiftung
Bank: Berliner Volksbank

IBAN: DE83 1009 0000 2425 3390 12

Karl-Heinz Geishecker, general manager of the Foundation, would be happy to answer any questions on the use of your donation or other ways in which you could support our cause. Don’t hesitate to send him an e-mail to geishecker(at) or call him on +49 30 22 60 55 921.

Contact for donations:

Karl-Heinz Geishecker

Karl-Heinz Geishecker
General Manager of the
Carl Bechstein Foundation
Tel. +49 (0) 30 – 2260 559 321